Rio Tinto sings Greater Brockman blues

An in-depth review of operations that use digitalisation technology to drive improvements across all areas of mining production Mining Magazine Intelligence Automation Report 2023 An in-depth review of operations using autonomous solutions in every region and sector, including analysis of the factors driving investment decisions

Brockman Syncline plan goes to EPA

The Brockman Syncline project, 60 km from Tom Price, will involve the creation of new and above water table mining areas that will help sustain existing operations at …


ABB introduces cloud tool to enhance uptime in mineral processing. Trendex provides high-resolution visibility of fault data, enhancing the maintenance of gearless mill drives. Features. Ore processing innovation: Rockburst sets out to cut energy use by up to 50% ... Extraction Technology in Mining: Ore Pre-Treatment. Data Insights

Gudai-Darri Iron Ore Project, Pilbara, Australia

The mine is expected to contain total reserves of 561 million tonnes (Mt), graded at 61.8% Fe, including 286Mt of proved and 275Mt of probable reserves as of December 2020. Mining and processing of the Gudai …


The proposed mining area of the project is located within Mining Lease M47/1414 which covers an area of 82 km 2.The tenement is bordered to the south by the Hamersley Range, where extensive areas of supergene iron ore mineralisation, the source of hematite detrital mineralisation at Marillana, have developed within the Brockman Iron Formation that caps the Range.

Solomon Hub Iron Ore Mine

The ore processing facilities at the Firetail and Kings deposits have a combined processing capacity of 72Mtpa. ... The main areas of mining are the Brockman and Detrital iron deposits. ... The agreement also included the …

Brockman Syncline 2 – East Detrital

• No twinned drilling has been conducted at Brockman Syncline 2 – East Detrital deposit. • Data was returned electronically from Ultra Trace and ALS laboratories in Perth. All data is transferred to an acQuire™ database. • An extensive quality control process is performed prior to accepting a batch of assay results from the laboratory.

Rio Tinto Brockman 4 Iron Ore Mine, Pilbara

The Brockman 4 comprises 600 million tonnes of ore containing more than 60% iron and 450mt of lower grade ore with 50% to 60% iron. The Brockman 4 site is located in the Hamersley Group that has been identified to be of Archaean and Proterozoic ages. The minerals were formed …

brockman mining processing technology

brockman mining processing technology – Grinding Mill China. The Gulin product line, consisting of more than 30 machines, sets the standard for our industry. The processing plant at Rio Tinto's Brockman 4 site in Western Australia.

Iron ore in Australia and the world: Resources, production

Although Australia's vast endowment of minerals is unlikely to be exhausted in the foreseeable future, the extraction of many of these minerals has become more challenging over time (Giurco et al., 2009).Declining ore grades are indicative of a shift from the extraction and processing of "easier and cheaper" ore bodies to more "complex and expensive" ore …

Brockman Mining gains port access for Project Maverick, …

Brockman Mining Limited has received port access for Project Maverick for its initial mining operation at its fully owned Marillana iron ore deposit in Pilbara, Western Australia.

Brockman Footer

Brockman Nd NEODYMIUM Pr Praseodymium 15 Years 16.7Mt Reserves The Brockman Project is centred 18km south-east of the historical gold mining centre of Halls. ... Source: ASX | Hastings Technology Metals Limited (HAS) A$3.64. 0.050 (1.393%) Delayed by 20 minutes. See all investor news. Projects. Brockman. Geology.

Paraburdoo Iron Ore Mine, Pilbara

Leading lead generation providers and technology solutions for the mining industry. Buyers Guide. ... Paraburdoo lies in the Brockman bedded iron deposits within the 2.5m thick Hamersley group. The group hosts Archaean and Proterozoic aged rock formations. ... Open-pit mining method and processing at the Paraburdoo iron ore deposit.

Mine Details |

Large Fleet of Heavy Machinery Used at the Brockman No 4 Open cut Mine Mining at the Brockman No. 4 open cut is carried out using a fleet of 16 830E and two 730E haulage trucks that transport the ore from the mine site to the on-site processing plant that uses a primary jaw crusher, two secondary cone crushers, a six bin ...


Brockman's principal projects include the Marillana Project, the Ophthalmia Project and few other minor exploration projects in the area. Among all projects, the Marillana Project is of the …

Mineral Resources

Mining services contractor Mineral Resources (ASX: MIN) has taken a significant step towards fulfilling its Pilbara iron ore ambitions after striking a farm-in and joint venture agreement with Brockman Mining (ASX: BCK). Under the deal, MinRes can secure 50% of the 1.5 billion tonne Marillana resource, 100km north-west of Newman. Marillana tonnes will help …

Mine Details |

Brockman Niobium Tuff Deposit Shows Great Potential. In 2011 Hastings Technology Metals Limited was primarily focused on exploring the Niobium Tuff resource at its Brockman project site, Drilling at that time revealed a JORC resource of 36.2 million tonnes containing 2151 parts per million TREO (Total Rare Earth Oxides).

Changes to Pilbara Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources

(c) Reserves of iron ore are shown as recoverable Reserves of marketable product after accounting for all mining and processing losses. Mill recoveries are therefore not shown. (d) Brockman 4 (Brockman and Marra Mamba ore) was previously reported as Brockman 4 (Brockman ore).

Brockman's Sirius deposit mineral resources increase by 14%

Brockman Mining has reported a 14% increase in the mineral resource of its Sirius deposit, which forms part of the Ophthalmia iron ore project near Newman, in the East Pilbara region of Western Australia.

Brockman's Sirius deposit mineral resources increase by 14%

Brockman Mining has reported a 14% increase in the mineral resource of its Sirius deposit, which forms part of the Ophthalmia iron ore project near Newman, in the East Pilbara …

Brockman Mining to build railway line to connect

Processing; Transportation; Health & Safety; Commodity; Latest. The copper supply gap in Australia and beyond; Greenridge intends to acquire ALX Resources Codelco acquires 10% of Quebrada Blanca mine in Chile for $520m

CSI called in at Brockman 2

CSI has been called in to help develop the Lens A/B pit at Rio Tinto's Brockman 2 mine. Under the scope of the contract CSI will carry out load and haul, drill and blast and short …

Brockman and Mineral Resources to form 50/50 …

About Brockman Mining Brockman Mining Limited is an investment holding company listed on both the ASX (code: BCK) and the Main Board of the HKSE (code: 159). Brockman Mining Limited and its wholly owned subsidiaries (Brockman) has a portfolio of high quality, high potential iron ore deposits in the Pilbara, the most significant

Marandoo Iron Ore Mine, Pilbara

Open-pit mining at Marandoo iron ore mine. Open-pit operations involving truck and shovel techniques are used to extract the iron ore deposits from the Marandoo mine. The mining method involves drilling, digging, exploring, blasting, loading and hauling. Drilling is carried out using two Reedrill SKSS 12 Blast Hole and Cubex QXR 920 drill rigs.

Brockman 2 Detrital Iron Ore Mine Extension Phase 2B

The existing Brockman Mine Borefield is located 1.0 km north of the Brockman 2 processing plant. Approximately 1.2 gigalitres (GL) of groundwater abstraction would be required to facilitate mining below the watertable. Dewatering would be required at a rate of between 500 to 600 megalitres (ML) in 2011 and 400 to 500 ML in 2012.

Reconciliation principles for the mining industry

Reconciliation involves the collection of tonnage, grade (quality) and contained metal (product) data from disparate and hopefully independent sources. Examples are exploration data, production sampling data from blast holes or draw points, and process plant data. These data may be compared by means of ratios (factors). The F1 factor usually relates short term …

Major Mines & Projects | Brockman Hub

The south-eastern side of the Brockman Syncline consists of a northeast striking Marra Mamba ridge, separated to the larger Brockman ridge in the northwest by a colluvial valley of between 1.1 km to 2.1 km wide. There are numerous narrow north-west trending dolerite dykes cross the Brockman and MMIF.

Brockman Syncline plan goes to EPA

As part of the proposal mine operator Hamersley Iron will extend two existing pits and build new pits above and below the water table at Brockman 4. New AWT and BWT pits will also be built at Silvergrass and Brockman 2. To facilitate development Hamersley Iron will also build waste dumps and install processing infrastructure.

Brockman Mining appoints Engenium as PMC for Maverick …

Brockman Mining has hired engineering company Engenium as the Project Management Consultant (PMC) for their Maverick Project, a new iron ore development located at the Pilbara region of Western Australia.

Comminution and classification technologies of iron ore

Brockman 2 mine began operation in 1992. The geology is Brockman bedded iron deposit. Two stage crushing is used, jaw crusher for the primary and cone crushers for the secondary crushing. ... The use of process simulation technology in process design when time and performance is critical. SME Annual Meeting, Denver, CO (2006) February 2006 ...